Supporting every child with their different needs
Fellview is a child centered and inclusive school. Everyone is committed to ensuring children with special educational needs get all the support they need to maximise their potential. Our SENDCO is Miss McElvogue who can be contacted on 01697478437.
We believe that:
All pupils, including those with SEND, should be valued equally and have their needs met;
It is our responsibility to maximize the attainment and progress of all children in school;
Provision for a child with SEND should match the nature of the need;
Parents' involvement is essential for pupils to achieve their full potential;
An inclusive education should be provided;
The views of the child are valued, sought and taken into account.
We have a SEND policy to ensure that:
We work within the framework of the DFE Code of Practice for children with SEND;
There is a shared understanding of the procedures established within school for children with SEND;
Everyone is aware of their own and others’ roles and responsibilities in relation to children with SEND;
Identification and provision for children with SEND is undertaken as quickly as possible;
Sufficient and appropriate support is made for children with SEND to ensure that they make measurable progress.
Please speak to us if you would like to discuss your child's needs.
Policies marked with * are currently under review.