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2024- 2025 Gallery

Thank you to the parents and carers who came to our Computer Café yesterday and to Year 6 and Police Officer Sam Wilkinson for their input on Online Safety. We loved seeing computing skills of children in nursery to Year 6!

Thanks to Rights Resepecting Council who have taken a lead on a fun 'Children's Mental Health Afternoon'. We loved the 'getting to know you bingo'!

Reception and Key Stage 1 dug a trench and planted a Rowan, a Wild Cherry and a Hazel tree in Welly Wednesday today.

Zoolab have been into school this morning with some exciting animals for the children to see, hold and learn all about

Wheelchair Basketball lessons are going well!

Reception and Key Stage 1 took part in the Big Garden Birdwatch today. If you would like to take part at home, please follow the link below.

We had a picnic in the hall today and School Council had a meeting about rescheduling our trip.

KS2 have produced some fantastic printmaking in their Art lessons. Y5 and 6 worked on creating a layered reduction print. Y3 and 4 created monoprints!

What a lot of fun we are having in the snow! KS1 practised using a thermometer to measure the temperature outside -0.4°C is the lowest temperature we have measured so far.

Reception, Year 1 and 2 did some wonderful artwork inspired by Piet Mondrian last term

KS1 and Reception have had a fantastic time making Christmas decorations, at the Christmas party and performing at the Fellview ‘Christmas Music from Around the World’ performance.

KS2 have made tissue paper models of the topography of Jamaica

KS1 have been busy sewing Christmas decorations
